Another Day, Another Adventure in Writing!

Hello Friends, As most of you know I have recently launched KATE’S PASSION NEWSLETTER, a weekly e-mail newsletter for readers, writers and anyone who loves to keep up to date on what's going on in the world of fiction. Also, as an added bonus, twice a month you will find GUEST INTERVIEWS with other writers, editors, reviewers and others of every genre and medium. These artists have graciously volunteered to give us a few minutes of their time to discuss not only their work and upcoming events, but a little bit about their creative processes. I find this most intriguing because, though writing and publishing are such subjective industries, no two artists follow the same method when it comes to perfecting their chosen craft. So far, we have interviewed authors such as Janice Spina, author of the award winning children’s series, DAVEY AND DEREK, JUNIOR DETECTIVES for MG/PT/YA as well as other wonderful books. Her interview will be in the Oct. 2, 2020 issue. We will also interview ...