Another Day, Another Adventure in Writing!

Hello Friends,

As most of you know I have recently launched KATE’S PASSION NEWSLETTER, a weekly e-mail newsletter for readers, writers and anyone who loves to keep up to date on what's going on in the world of fiction. Also, as an added bonus, twice a month you will find GUEST INTERVIEWS with other writers, editors, reviewers and others of every genre and medium. These artists have graciously volunteered to give us a few minutes of their time to discuss not only their work and upcoming events, but a little bit about their creative processes. I find this most intriguing because, though writing and publishing are such subjective industries, no two artists follow the same method when it comes to perfecting their chosen craft.

So far, we have interviewed authors such as Janice Spina, author of the award winning children’s series, DAVEY AND DEREK, JUNIOR DETECTIVES for MG/PT/YA as well as other wonderful books. Her interview will be in the Oct. 2, 2020 issue. We will also interview Nellie Neeman, author of the thriller, SPREE, on Aug. 28th. (Just a little heads-up here. I’ve read this book and gave it a 5 STAR REVIEW on Amazon along with my recommendation as a fantastic read for lovers of thrillers.)

These are just a few mentions to whet your appetite. We have editors lined up for interviews, a Christian/inspirational author, and many others. Our calendar is filled up as far as interviews go until the end of October of this year. Though we are still open for future GUEST INTERVIEWS if you, or someone you know, would like to submit a request.  

It is so enlightening, and heartwarming, to see just how many people have responded to my request to help others who are struggling with their own writing. This is the main reason I began KATE’S PASSION TO WRITE. I know how difficult it can be to get other people to not only read your work but give you creative feedback rather than sharp, disheartening, criticism.

Don’t even get me started on how few readers are willing to post their reviews on sites such as Amazon or Goodreads. Every writer that I have had the pleasure of speaking with is chagrined by this very issue. But, alas, it is all part of the fiction writing industry whether Indie published or through a traditional publishing house.

But I digress. I also would like to announce that I am now in the second day of a CONTEST where anyone and everyone will have the opportunity to enter for a chance to win one of five downloads of my latest book, THE WEAPONS THEY USE

Click ENTRY FORM for your chance to win THE WEAPONS THEY USE. 


"...The story is strongly rooted in mystery and suspense...Highly recommended for people who love The X Files, Signs, and Project Blue Book." AMAZON READER, 5 STARS

"...The story line flowed smoothly and kept you on the edge of your seat. You didn't know who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. I recommend this to everyone and hope to see a sequel." AMAZON READER 5 STARS

"...had my heart racing and got my interest from the moment I started reading it . . . The action was intense and it was jam-packed right from the beginning." READERS FAVORITE 5 STARS

If you wish to see a past issue of KATE'S PASSION TO WRITE to see what you will be getting, go to my website's contact page and send me a message with your e-mail address and I will be happy to forward a single, past issue for your perusal.

Click KATE’S PASSION NEWSLETTER for those who would like to sign up for the newsletter where you can learn about other writers and what they are doing but will get a first peek at any new upcoming events as well as a chance to win free, paperback copies of my own, new, upcoming releases.

 For fans of the TEAM NIGHTLY series, don't forget to look for updates on the next, upcoming installment, LOST IN TIME. I will continue to post updates in both this blog as well as KATE'S PASSION NEWS LETTER.

Until the next time, have a great rest of your summer!


Kate Porter



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