Memorial Day: A Time For Remembrances

Hello, my friends, Normally, as those of you who read my blog regularly know, I usually post about my journey through my writing career. However, I feel that this is a time to salute those who have made it possible for me to do what I love to do. So, let me just start with this: THANK YOU! I don’t think I say it enough, or truly appreciate your sacrifices. Thank you to those who have fought and died and are still fighting and dying to protect our nation and our freedom. Thank you, police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, EMT’s, and all of you who come to our rescue in our times of need, even at the risk of your own safety. Everyone—unless you have been living in a cave for the past six months and have no contact with the outside world—knows that the COVID 19 pandemic has turned all of our lives upside down. But there are those who have continued to serve and do their jobs with little to no recognition; Grocery store clerks, bank employees, auto mechanics, teach...