As Time Moves On, This Too Shall Pass
the COVID-19 pandemic has forced so many people into home quarantine and the
social distancing issues, it’s hard to find enough to keep our minds from
turning to oatmeal. Let’s not forget how quickly it can send us over the edge
and into the pit of despair. You can’t turn on the television, check your Facebook
and Twitter page—or any other social media outlet—and not see something negative
concerning the coronavirus and the rising numbers of people infected or who
have died “from complications” due to the illness. It hurts my heart, and my
head, to be bombarded by this and it’s a constant battle to maintain a positive
attitude through it all.
My remedy for this has been not only to delve
into my writing and promoting my newest release, THE WEAPONS THEY USE, which
is due to come out on June 29th of this year, but I’ve also started
my own little herb garden.
As I
work on the outline/synopsis, (as I described in my previous blog), for my next
manuscript which is the latest installment of my Team Nightly series, I tend to—as
my sister calls it—get tunnel vision and focus on nothing but my computer
screen. However, when my muse decides to take a coffee break, I step out my
back door and check on my babies. Yes, I talk to my herb plants, too. Just
because I can’t go out for coffee and conversation or join friends at my
favorite restaurant for some BFF time and a nice glass of wine, doesn’t mean I
can’t get the much needed sunshine and fresh air. It also allows me to share
the progress of whatever I am working on. No I’m really not crazy, I promise,
just a little eccentric, so just go with me here.
have been days where I have “lost my motivation” for whatever task I am
presently working on. I’m sure there are many of you who can relate. On days
like that, when no matter what I “think” I want to accomplish gets a little
sideways, and I find myself teetering on that ledge of negativity, I have to
force myself to focus on where I want my life, and writing career, to take me
over the next couple of years.
I have these
little notecards hanging all over my house and workspace to help promote positive
thinking and to keep my goals front and center. Some of them are just little
reminders that “If it’s imaginable, it’s possible.” Another one, taped
to my bathroom mirror, says, “If anything is possible, everything is
possible.” I have this one posted on my wall beside my computer: “See it.
Believe it. Achieve it!” This is one of my favorites: “Failure isn’t
falling down. Failure is refusing to get back up and continuing to fight!”
If I
find myself feeling depressed and thinking that things are only getting worse
and this whole pandemic issue, (or whatever else I am feeling despondent over)
is going to be never-ending, I repeat this mantra over and over until I feel a
little bit more positive about my day:
I’m a
firm believer in the phrase, “POSITIVITY DEFEATS NEGATIVITY” and this is a rule
that I try to live by not only in my writing career but in my personal life as
well. Just because misery loves company, doesn’t mean I have to join the
As those
of you who follow my blogs know, I usually try to post about my journey as a
writer. I’ve posted about my failures and my successes, my humiliations and my
jubilations and the lessons that I’ve learned along the way. I’m sharing this
blog about positive affirmations because it, too, has been a constant battle to
keep me pushing ahead and not giving up no matter what stumbling blocks, or seemingly
insurmountable, walls I come up against. I hope that sharing my self-doubts,
and how I try to overcome them, will help ease your minds if you are suffering
from the same issues. You aren’t alone in your battles. Sharing some of my quandaries,
and my self-doubt, helps me see the brighter side of whatever it is that I am
troubled about.
say that “Confession is good for the soul.” I believe this for the most part. I
also believe that it is so much easier to let yourself down than to let down
others. This is another reason why I want to share my goals. It helps me to
remain strong in my convictions, no matter what they may be.
So, the
message behind this blog is this: AS TIME MOVES ON, THIS TOO SHALL PASS., SO NEVER LOSE HOPE.
about it for today. I’d love to hear some of your thoughts on how you maintain
a positive attitude during these trying times. You can add them to the comments
section of this blog and/or on my new Facebook page. To do that click here
check out my Amazon AUTHOR PAGE
or my website, to see more about my books and
upcoming events.
Have a beautiful, positive day!
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