SHARING IS CARING! Free download 5 chapters!

Hello Everyone, I hope y’all have been having a great summer. I can’t believe it’s already getting to be the end of August! Kids are back in school and school busses are a regular sight on just about every road I travel. I’m also seeing Halloween decorations in the stores already. On that note, if you haven’t already read THE WEAPONS THEY USE, here’s a tiny spoiler alert—sort of. But not really. THE WEAPONS THEY USE is set at the end of October over HALLOWEEN week. Once you read the book, you’ll understand the reference. (Some of you might already have made the connection.) I will be giving away 10 free copies through GOODREADS contest. You can go to the GOODREADS giveaway page to sign up for your chance to win, or go to my website here and click on the ENTER GIVEAWAY button! THE WEAPONS THEY USE has already received 5 stars from not only Reader’s Favorite, but Reedsy Discover and Amazon readers. Click here to read REEDSY r...